WELCOME TO HIMALAYAN INSTITUTE OF DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY ONGC CAMPUS      Applications are invited for Principal , faculties for B.Sc.IT and BFD     
Parvathi Bisht
Mrs. Parwati Bisht

Home Away from Home – Hostel (Only for Girls)

Hostel is fully equipped with the most comfortable facilities like good, hygienic and nourishing food. CCTV coverage of the strategic areas of hostel, Entertainment area known as Common Area, Clean and Hygienic Washrooms, open court yards for indoor games and lounging and many other such amenities are the key features of this Hostel. The hostel has systematized dormitory system with sufficient storage and comfortable bed for each inmates, secluded by partitions for enhancing privacy.

The open friendly atmosphere, homely environment keeps the students happy so much so that it becomes their second home.

Rules and Regulations for the Hostel Residents

HIDT welcomes our new students. Here, we look forward for an amicable existence in a friendly and disciplined environment. The rules stated as under are not to restrict the lifestyle goals of an individual. In fact, they are supportive towards adaptive and conducive approach to evolve as a student as eventually the students will step into a competitive world where discipline is the base of stability.

Hostel facility is available only for the outstation students.

All hostel charges are payable in advance for each Semester. Delay in the submission of the fee is liable to financial penalty.

Under no circumstances a Student is allowed to see a visitor other than whose Photograph has been submitted as the local guardian duly signed by the parents(on Saturday & Sunday between 10.00 am to 5.00 p.m. only). As far as possible every student of the Hostel should have a guardian in Dehradun.

The parents are advised to submit complete and verified information about their residential address and contact information while getting their ward admitted to the hostel. Any changes if any in the later course should be duly informed to the warden. It is then the Warden's responsibility to get the details updated in the Institute's record.

Students should maintain cleanliness in hostel premises.

The students can go to their local guardians(LG) twice a month on for an overnight stay from Friday evening and be back by Sunday evening before the roll call (7.30 pm in summers and 6.00 pm during winters). It is compulsory that LGs come in person to take their ward for outing.

The students will be allowed home outings twice in a semester. In case of an emergency, a request from the parent has to be made and notified with the Principal, Warden and the respective class teacher.

If student overstays at home or does not attend classes while being in hostel on any aspect, the authorities are liable to take strict disciplinary action.

Students after reaching their home towns have to inform the warden about their safe arrival. At the same time, it is duly parent's responsibility to inform the hostel authorities about their ward's departure date, time and the mode of transport from home town.

Before leaving from the hometown, a request letter duly signed by the parents and the permission to send the ward to hometown is absolutely mandatory.

Students are permitted to go to the market once on a weekday as per their requirement and on Saturdays and Sundays. However, they need special permissions duly signed by the subject teacher in case of procurement of course materials for weekday's outing. In case of a gazetted holiday, a student can avail an outing but the restricted outings will be limited to 3 times in a week.

No student is permitted to enter the Hostel Kitchen or talk to the Catering Staff. Any complaints regarding quality of food, etc. are to be made to the in charge of Mess Committee/Warden or directly to the principal. A complaint/suggestion register will be maintained to cater to grievances related to food or any other issues. The register will be monitored by the hostel committee and the administration.

Students are not allowed to use heaters, immersion rods, electric iron etc. in the dormitory. Any student found doing so will be fined accordingly. However, students will be provided with plug points outside the dormitories to cater to instant food needs like warm water etc. cooking under no circumstances is allowed inside the dormitory.

The main gate of the hostel will close at 7.00 pm in summers and at 6.00 pm in winters. The students are instructed to be in the premises before the respective closure time. In case of delay, the parents of the students should be informed via sms or a telephone call.

No student will be permitted to stay back in the hostel during the study hours of the Institute. Only in a medical condition, the student maybe allowed to stay back with proper notification by the Warden to the Principal, respective faculty of the Institute as well as the parents.

Day Scholars will not be allowed to visit the hostel premises.

No refund will be applicable if a student decides to leave the hostel in the middle of a session.

In case of any medical emergency, all possible help and assistance will be provided to the sick student. The Institute will not bear any medical expenses of the resident student. In a medical condition if the student needs medical attention, the cost will be borne by the student.

The Institute will not be responsible for any loss/theft of the belongings of the students.

It is expected from the resident students to keep their dormitories clean maintained civic sense and cooperate in quality and hygienic living. Also, they are expected to conduct themselves with proper decorum and courtesy in the dorms and dining area.

Ragging is strictly prohibited in the Institute as well as the hostel. It is a punishable offence. Any student or students found indulging in this activity will be immediately expelled for the Institute.

The Institute authorities (administration and the hostel committee) will conduct surprise checks/ inspection periodically. The students of the best kept dormitory will be reward for their endeavour.

Any damage done to the hostel property by a student will invite a disciplinary action and will be liable for financial penalty for the damaged caused.

Parents/Visitors can have meals at applicable rates when they come to visit their ward. No visitor is allowed to stay in the hostel beyond stipulated visiting hours.