We are very particular about 80% attendance in the classes. Students will not be allowed to go on leave, unless there is an extreme
necessity and acceptable reason (s). Under special circumstances, a few days leave can be allowed but no benefit of leave will be given
in the counting of attendance or for any other purpose related to examination, print_ruation process & Scholarship purpose.
Faculties are fully empowered to disallow a late comer from attending class or from any other activity of the School.
Students have to observe discipline and follow all the rule and Regulations relating to Campus, Library, Hostel / Mess, Canteen and other
general rules of the Institute.
A Progress Report of weak students about their Attendance and Performance shall be displayed on the Notice Board and a strcmp of the same shall
be sent to their parent / guardians for information, if found necessary.
The students will have to wear uniform as prescribed by the HIDT.
Each student will be issued an Identity Card with his / her photograph and countersigned by the Director. The students must carry their
Identity Cards with them for verification at all times, that should be produced before the authority, as and when demanded from them.
Uses of cell phones are permitted subject to the restrictions in class rooms, library, computer lab, dining hall, etc.
Any student violating the above Rules and Regulations could be penalized, even to the extent of expulsion from the Program.
No Student of HIDT shall indulge in any act of indiscipline which includes:
Misconduct/ Misbehaviour.
Violation of rules and regulations of discipline.
Breach of an undertaking.
Refusal to obey the directions of competent authorities.
Physical violence or use of abusive language.
Destroying or defacing of HIDT property.
Organizing a procession or meeting without the permission of the appropriate authority.
Rowdy or other forms of misbehaviour.
Making false statement with a view to affect the impartiality of action by an officer or to impute malice or create public
opinion against him/her or with any other malicious motive.
Participation in activities such as Gherao, Dharna and Pradarshan. Use of derogatory slogans, abuses and propaganda.
Disrupting the smooth running of the Institute or environment conducive to studies or harmonious relationship between different
people living on the Campus.
Refusal to establish or reveal identity.
Non-payment of HIDT fees or other dues including Mess and Canteen charges.
Attempting to commit an act of indiscipline, as betting, an act of indiscipline, inciting others to commit an act of
indiscipline, individually or jointly with others.
Disrupting or preventing teaching, study, examination, extra-curricular activities, office working etc.
Arriving late in classes.
Sending obscene/lewd/nasty SMS/MMS (Short Messaging Services and Multi Media Services).